Sunday, January 4, 2009

WAR! for Casual

After reading what seems to be a countless number of blogs about Warhammer Online, I've decided to take up the time and create my own.

Name is Vizo, currently playing a 40 Rune Priest / Witch Hunter / Ironbreaker on The Phoenix Throne server. Like many others, I'm a once "hardcore" gamer turned casual. I've grown up, as sad as that may be. I'm 27, married, have a nice house in a simple town, and I'd give anything to go back to college and spend 3 straight days leveling a new nightshade in DAoC.

When it comes to gaming, I want what I once had. An elite status amongst those on the server I play on. The time to play. The thrill of the hunt. Hopefully by my rantings, and play, I'll be able to get some of that back.


  1. Welcome to the blogger community, good luck with your blog:)

  2. For a casual, you sure have some 40s. I don't even have a 30 and just hit 20 on my main :))

  3. All ya got to do is some PvE honestly. You can get a 40 in 6 days. Not as difficult as it may seem to some.

  4. 6 days, lucky if I get in a few hours in that :)) Cheers!

  5. Creepy how close your self-description is to my own. 27, married, just got a home, done with school for the most part, used to play hardcore all the time on MMOs (EQ2 and SWG were my poison). Best of luck, and look forward to reading more.
